Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pulling the level generation code into Run Bobo Run

I didn’t expect to be posting again for a few days, but it turns out smooshing the procedural level generation algorithm into the LibGDX project was really straightforward, so I figured I might as well post a little something about it today :)
I added the Level class that I posted previously, and just made a few little changes to it:
  1. I changed char[][] to int[][], no real reason for this, either would be fine
  2. I pulled in Bobo and Array<Block> from GameScreen
  3. I replaced the console print method with a method to translate levelLayout to blocks placed in the level
  4. Finally, a constructor pulls all this together to allow easy creation of a level with a Bobo in it
I could have included block creation in the generateLayout method (under the “levelLayout[row][col] = ’0′;” line) and left out the translateLayout method completely, but separating out layout generation and translation to world co-ordinates seemed like a good idea.
Here’s the full source for Level.java
 package com.mrdt.runboborun;  
 import java.util.Random;  
 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;  
 import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;  
 public class Level {  
  private Bobo bobo;  
  private Array blocks;  
  private Random randomGenerator = new Random();  
  private int levelHeight, levelWidth, pathWidth, pathOffset;  
  private int[][] levelLayout;  
  public Level(int levelHeight, int levelWidth, int pathWidth, int pathOffset) {  
  blocks = new Array();  
  generateLayout(levelHeight, levelWidth, pathWidth, pathOffset);  
  bobo = new Bobo(new Vector2((GameScreen.WIDTH/2)-(Bobo.WIDTH/2), 0));  
  private void generateLayout(int levelHeight, int levelWidth, int pathWidth, int pathOffset) {  
  this.levelHeight = levelHeight;  
  this.levelWidth = levelWidth;  
  this.pathWidth = pathWidth;  
  this.pathOffset = pathOffset;  
  this.levelLayout = new int[levelHeight][levelWidth];  
  for (int row=0; row<levelLayout.length; row++) {  
   for (int col=0; col<levelLayout[row].length; col++) {  
   if ((col < pathOffset) || (col >= pathOffset+pathWidth))  
    levelLayout[row][col] = '0';  
   int stepModifier = (randomGenerator.nextInt(3)) - 1;  
   if ((pathOffset + stepModifier >= 0) && (pathOffset + stepModifier + pathWidth <= levelWidth))  
   pathOffset = pathOffset + stepModifier;  
  private void translateLayout() {  
  for (int row=0; row<levelLayout.length; row++) {  
   for (int col=0; col<levelLayout[row].length; col++) {  
   if (levelLayout[row][col] == '0') {  
    Block block = new Block(new Vector2(col*Block.WIDTH, -row*Block.HEIGHT));  
  public Bobo getBobo() {  
  return bobo;  
  public Array getBlocks() {  
  return blocks;  

As a result of introducing the Level class, the GameScreen class needed a little tidying up.

Project is up on github, feel free to check the project out, have a play with it, and comment if you have any ideas or suggestions :)


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